Hell's Belles went out with a blast! The last set of shows were full of surprises. On Thursday about 10 of my office-mates from my supplemental job came to see the show, and that was so cool. It's great when people get to see what you really do, ya know? Then on Friday, the audience went absolutely WILD for my portrayal of Judy Garland. They just kept breaking into applause in the middle of the song or after a speech, and it felt so transcendent. Just me in the spotlight, warmly embraced by the audience and the music... It was amazing!
Saturday matinee had us on the edge of our seats! The music director, the lovely Elaina Cope, was trapped on a train in Brooklyn. And our light operator, Barb, was delayed as well. The cast was afraid the audience would be restless or disappointed, but when we finally were able to go on, they were such a joy! Every song was greeted with great applause and joyous laughter.
Saturday night we sold out. My friend, Babs, suprised me and came to the show. I actually was very blessed with support from friends and must give shout-outs to Rob, Michael, Carl, Ataman, Jayne, Richard, George, Andy, Tracey, Lani, Bob & Carol, Steve, Dimitri, Lindsay, Tina, and to all the friends and family who wanted to come but couldn't make the trip from afar: THANK YOU ALL!
Sunday afternoon was our last show and it ended sweetly. Such a great crowd and such a fun show.
I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to perform in a new musical and to play such amazing women like Judy Garland and Janis Joplin. Just the research alone was worth it, getting to see them do their thing, captured on film, availble to the masses thanks to YouTube, and then getting to bring them to life in my own way. Wow! What an incredible opportunity!
Thanks to Tweiss Productions, our marvelous director John Znidarsic, and our tremendously talented cast: (left to right): Elaina Cope (our amazing musical director), Deb Radloff, Omri Schein, Alicia Sable, John Znidarsic, and me. :)
Sunday afternoon was our last show and it ended sweetly. Such a great crowd and such a fun show.
I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to perform in a new musical and to play such amazing women like Judy Garland and Janis Joplin. Just the research alone was worth it, getting to see them do their thing, captured on film, availble to the masses thanks to YouTube, and then getting to bring them to life in my own way. Wow! What an incredible opportunity!
Thanks to Tweiss Productions, our marvelous director John Znidarsic, and our tremendously talented cast: (left to right): Elaina Cope (our amazing musical director), Deb Radloff, Omri Schein, Alicia Sable, John Znidarsic, and me. :)

Happy Trails!
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