Hell's Belles opened last night and our hard work seems to have paid off, because the audience graced us with generously loud applause. I was especially thrilled that my portrayal of Judy Garland was so warmly embraced, because as I looked out into the audience, I saw all these smiling faces, just beaming away at me. It was an incredible moment.

I'll have to get more of my character pics, though it's a challenge to do so because this show is like running a marathon. I change into 8 different characters in the span of 85 minutes, going from a devilish chorus girl to Lady Godiva, Salome, Janis Joplin, Alice B. Toklas, Princess Di, Joan Crawford and Judy Garland. Each character has their own song, though Lady Godiva (pictured left) makes the most quick-change appearances throughout the show, and I'm just praying I won't trip on my 5 feet long blonde wig.
Here's a picture of our motley crew right before the opening number, a devil and his "showghouls":

Left to right: Deb Radloff, me, Elaina Cope (our fabulous musical director in front), Omri Schein and Alicia Sable.
We have 11 more shows, running January 16-27, so if you're in the mood for "an infernal musical revue," come on down!
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