Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have seen so many cool signs this week. It's like getting a bunch of green lights while driving down the street.

On Monday I started an awesome scene study class at One on One studios. It’s such a lovely place – lots of wood and warm colors. And they have inspiring quotes here and there.

My favorites are, “Never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill

And “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot

There’s also this great black and white photo of Marilyn Monroe at The Actors Studio. It just inspires me!

It’s been such a lovely week, starting this new scene study class, and then the callback on Tuesday for a new musical. Just wonderful!

Now I’m working on music for an upcoming recording session in October, as well as researching a book for a new play. And I’m savoring my audition material: songs, monologues, scenes, you name it! I love the work!

A friend recently asked how I stay so positive. To quote Winston Churchill again, “I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.”

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