And now, where I'm at in my life, I feel like I'm making the jump to lightspeed!
I'm getting married in 18 days. The holidays are in full swing. I'm hitting auditions, making sure to savor each step of the way. In fact that holds true for all areas of my life!
"I'm deriving a great deal of pleasure from each and every one of you, as if you were chocolates."- Wallace Shawn, Grasses of a Thousand Colors.
And I'm so grateful for all the incredibly cool people I've met this year. From working with old buddies like the Hell's Belles creative team on their new musical, Argentina Rumpus...

I met with some musical theatre friends last night - amazingly talented people with Broadway credits on their resumes - and we nurtured each other in our preparations for auditions. It was a great forum, and I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow night with some more students from Karen's classes, focusing on monologues, scenework and goals.

Karen talks about doing what you need to do to find satisfaction as an actor, and her Advanced Monologue class particularly focuses on time management skills and creating healthy daily habits. Seriously, her classes are the best investment an actor could make. I have felt richer and freer in my work, bolder, always making discoveries, breaking through boundaries. It's thrilling!
And that's where I feel like I'm at in my life. "Unlimited... my future is unlimited."
I am so thankful to be on this ride, and I'm ready to make the jump to lightspeed!
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