Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This just in!

I had to post this! It's from The Producer's Perspective, an awesome blog by Broadway and Off Broadway producer, Ken Davenport.

Top 10 tips for Actors

Absolutely brilliant!

I especially like #10: Always audition.

"The best way to master auditioning is just like everything else. Do it over and over. You'll get numb to the nerves. You'll be able to be yourself. And you'll get free practice! I used to go to dance calls, because learning a dance combination at an audition is a free dance class (and I needed them). Actors who get to work on sides with directors at an audition get a free coaching." - Ken Davenport

I have to laugh because that's something I was just telling my friend, Tina. She had advised when I first came to the city to audition for everything for practice, which I didn't understand because I was like, "Shouldn't I be going for the job?"

But now I realize it's so much more than that. There are so many things we can't control about the multi-layered aspect of an audition, BUT we get to perform for 2 minutes, we get to show our work, and I tell ya, every time I do a song or monologue or read side from the script, I learn. I learn more about the characters I'm working on, more about myself, and more about the process, and it is an absolute BLAST! :)

Hope you're enjoying your process as well. :)

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