I love this time of year! Autumn has finally hit the East Coast, and as many New Yorkers have been saying, "It's about time!" Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the extended summer - it takes me back to my Southern CA roots - but there's something about the crisp Fall air that really gets my blood pumping with excitement and anticipation.
Last night, I met up with an old friend from NYU who was production manager of a really lovely 30 minute film I did called Sincerely Yours, which earned me the NYU Craft Award (and which I hope to post online soon). Anyway, we caught up on our adventures while watching the Dbacks play the Rockies, and it was very cool, sipping ale while sharing stories about art, life, and baseball. Jonathan's production company, Myriad Arts, has blossomed beautifully. Definitely check them out!
So many of my friends have been echoing the same sentiment about transformation, feeling a need to refocus, reconnect and create anew. I always feel that way this time of year, and I can't help but wonder if its spawned by the natural changes around us.
There's something about seeing the harvest pumpkins lined up on stands near the small grocery stores and the stalks of corn festooning these stands that just makes me want to celebrate! :) Change is in the air!

This is also spurring me on to write my next one woman show. I've written two pieces prior: the serio-comic 10 minute short, CHEER, and the cabaret with a story (or the story with a song list), Love in 35 Minutes. Both received great response and allowed me to bounce around Off Off Broadway. My next piece is noodling around in my head so we'll see what takes shape.
In the meantime, I'm reading lots of plays, getting wonderfully inspired, listening to lots of new music... Speaking of which, I have to share the appropiately Halloween-ish song, Cuddles the Vampire, written and performed by the band Hippie Cream, which my brother Sean plays the drums for. They are truly unique, and one of my FAVORTIE songs of theirs is called 76 Years Young.... about agelessness. :)
"Spreading our beautiful wings...76 years young." Rock on!
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