October is usually a busy month for me. Last year, I had just finished a run of Johnny On A Spot Off Broadway at the Theatre at St. Clements, and I had the immense honor of performing with F. Murray Abraham in a staged reading of Isaac Bashevis Singer's play, Sin.

The best news is that my sweetheart and I decided to set a wedding date, and we're going to be married at the end of the year. Very very exciting stuff, and I have a ton to do, but everything has been miraculously falling into place. My Mom and I found this beautiful wedding dress at one of our favorite thrift stores! The gown is pristine, looks brand new and never worn!
One of Rob's co-workers, Annamarie, works on revamping gowns for ballroom dancing competitions, and she offered to alter the gown for me, so I'll be seeing her tomorrow.
Everything else has fallen miraculously into place! The pastor and church we wanted were available! The restaurant for the reception, the cake, the flowers, it's all coming together.
I keep saying how I want it to be a small, intimate event, but it's funny how these things seem to bloom. Guess it's like life. You can't control it. It just has to flow.
So needless to say my head has been filled with wedding bells this month! And it seems like Halloween snuck up on me.
There were also some sad tidings that have been on my mind as well. My Aunt Sharon, my Mom's sister, and my cousin JoAnn on my Dad's side, passed away. This was such shocking and heart-breaking news. I'm still processing it all. And I can't help but think of them with today and the Celtic tradition of celebrating the Final Harvest of the year. "It is still the custom in some areas to set a place for the dead at the feast, and to tell tales of the ancestors on that night."

These women were both a huge part of my childhood. My Mom's sister was always very beautiful, and it was only later in life that I learned she had patterned herself after her idol, Marilyn Monroe. I wish I had pictures of her from that time because she really was a beauty!
My cousin, Jo, on the right, was an absolute ray of sunshine. She was only 5 years older than me, and I always looked up to her. She lived in Arizona, but we would have long visits with each other almost every year, and it was such a treat, knowing I was going to be spending time with Jo. As we grew up, she got married and had kids, and I came out to the East Coast to live my dream of being a working actor. We'd still touch base with cards and what-not, and I'd see her every 5 years or so at big family functions. She was such an incredible woman, full of love and inspiration, and when we'd see each other, it felt like no time had gone by at all! I am so sad at her passing.
But I will pay my respects to these women every day by doing as they encouraged me to do, and living life to the fullest!
May your Hallowed Eve be full of many treats. Blessed be!
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