Tonight I raise my glass to the memory of Jonathon Robinson. He passed away on
July 25 after a heroic battle with melanoma.
I met Jonathon 23 years ago when we were cast in the Shakespearean troupe for
the PA Renaissance Faire. We were both such kids and were as different as night
and day, but somehow I had the good fortune to become his friend. He had a razor
sharp wit and wicked sense of humor. He was also stunningly beautiful.
Outside the Faire, I had the good fortune to work with him on his pet project of
a large scale cast for Greater Tuna. He cast me as a girl with HUGE thighs and
took great delight in padding me to kingdom come! The result cause such a huge
non-stop laugh, and it was my first time with BIG comedy (pun intended).
Jonathon directed me to keep it was serious as possible which only heightened
the comedy since it was tragedy multiplied to the utmost degree.
I thought of Jonathon a lot with my most recent role of Pat the Park Ranger in
"Sasquatched! The Musical," a larger than life character bedecked in bulky men's
clothes with a really passionate take on life. I think he would've loved it!
He also directed me in Poe Evermore, and played a devious version of Nathaniel
Hawthorne (below on the farleft). I can still remember sharing the stage with him in
a darkly erotic version of The Raven. Man, he was brilliant!
He taught me to not be afraid of horror films. He showed me all the tricks
and special effects, and taught me to revel in the artistry that went into all
that gore.
We lost track of each other after the Faire but found each other again on
Facebook, and my husband and I had the pleasure of meeting Jonathon's partner,
Mark. They were such a great pair, and it was an honor to share some laughs with
them. I always say they inspired me to get married.
My last project with Jonathon was a voice over industrial for Viacom which we
recorded in NY. I still remember meeting him at the door of the recording
studio, this larger than life presence. He'd direct me in front of the mic and
then bounce into the sound booth for the recording. He said I sounded like his
favorite video game at the time, and asked me to say something about cake, to
which he giggled with delight.
When he and Mark moved to FLA, we kept up on Facebook, and I loved seeing their
pix from adventures in Disney World.
When "The Importance of Being Earnest" made headlines in Canada because of a man
playing Lady Bracknell, I emailed Jonathon right away, because he had played
Lady B. so many years ago in a mini production at Mt. Hope in an interactive
theatre space in a Victorian mansion. He was playing Oscar Wilde, playing Lady
Bracknell, and I still remember hearing his voice echoing through the mansion,
as he exclaimed, "A handbag????"

He was such a great actor, director, and friend. When I had a rough time with
something, he'd give me a big hug and offer his best counsel. He seemed to live
his dreams and had a great penchant for encouraging others to do the same thing
He was such a great man, and I can't believe he's gone. I hope he's free and at
peace and is having a great time in that big party in the sky.