Well, it's been a fun week in the big Apple. We got hit by a major blizzard on Sunday. It was a total whiteout from my apartment window on the 19th floor! the next day the city was white white white, and I had fun taking some pics:
I also started a new acting for musical theatre workshop with VP Boyle called The Musical Theatre Forum: http://www.maxtheatrix.com/mtfinfo.html
It is a PHENOMENAL workshop and the people in the class are incredibly talented! I'm learning a bunch and feel like I'm ready for lift-off! :)
My homework for the class was to investigate famous comediennes and to incorporate the technical aspects of comedy into my songs (apparently, I'm pretty funny without even trying - who knew?), so I started a list of all my favorites: Madeline Kahn, Kristin Chenoweth, Mo Gaffney, Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French, Bette Midler and Betty Grable. A friend reminded me of Rosalind Russel in Auntie Mame so I'll be watching that film for the hundredth time! :)
A comedienne I'm really interested in seeing is an actress from the 50s - Judy Holliday: http://www.wtv-zone.com/lumina/judy/main.html
She only did a few films, was reknowned for her stage work and her brilliant comedy on stage and screen. I'm hoping to get a hold of "Born yesterday," the film, to see her in action. Can't wait! I'm completely inspired! :)