As a young woman, I wish I'd been more conscious of this fight. I can't believe it's not taught in schools! It took the HBO film Iron Jawed Angels to make me realize what the women of this country went through to get the right to vote and that their protests of picketing the White House and staging marches and demonstrations were considered "radical." I pay tribute to these fighting spirits and to all people who work for a better present and future.

Hi Laura!
Let’s Hear It for the Ladies Who Brought Us the 19th Amendment and the Women’s Vote!
Senator Clinton and Governor Palin are proof that women can and do diverge on important issues.
Even on the question of whether women should vote!
Most people are totally in the dark about HOW the suffragettes won votes for women, and what life was REALLY like for women before they did.
Suffragettes were opposed by many women who were what was known as ‘anti.’ The most influential ‘anti’ lived in the White House — First Lady Edith Wilson!
I’d like to share a women’s history learning opportunity…
“The Privilege of Voting” is an exciting new FREE e-mail series that follows eight great women from 1912 - 1920 to reveal ALL that happened to set the stage for women to finally win the vote.
It’s a real-life soap opera about the suffragettes! And it’s ALL true!
Powerful suffragettes Alice Paul and Emmeline Pankhurst are featured, along with TWO gorgeous presidential mistresses, First Lady Edith Wilson, Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan and Alice Roosevelt.
There are tons of heartache on the rocky road to the ballot box, but in the end, women WIN!
Exciting, sequential episodes with lots of historical photos are great to read on coffeebreaks, or anytime.
Thanks to the success of the suffragettes, women have voices and choices!
I hope you will subscribe, and share this opportunity with others.
It’s free at
Very cool stuff, Virginia! Thanks for the info and the link. Let's rock the vote! :)
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