I haven't blogged in a while. It's been a whirlwind, getting married, and that blog's to come, but first I had to pay tribute to a great man who passed away yesterday. His name was Robert Pesti Terrell, and he was married to my best friend from high school: Lisa Terrell.

Robert was such a sweetheart, and he and Lisa inspired me with their modern take on marriage. He had a weak heart, so he stayed home to take care of the house and kids while she worked, and he kept an immaculately beautiful home.
He was from NY and had that "New Yawk" accent even though he'd been in CA for quite a few years. It was wonderfully peppered with his great laugh and lovely sense of humor.

He loved when I'd send pics from Manhattan, because he'd grown up here and missed the seasons, but the CA weather was better for his health.
Robert had been having heart problems for years. His heart only functioned 10-20% of capacity so he was often exhausted, but he had such a lust for life and was so proud of his wife and his family.

Whenever I saw him, he reminded me of a human sprite, full of smiles and a sense of good-hearted mischief.
Robert and Lisa taught me never to take a day or a relationship for granted. Each moment is to be treasured. Good or bad, rich or poor, in sickness and in health. Love is always there.
I can't believe he's gone, but I know he's free from pain, and his presence is still deeply felt.
I'll miss you, Robert.
With great love and respect,
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