Monday, April 09, 2007

Springtime in the City

Even though Winter is fighting to hang onto the Big Apple with its icy grip, Spring is triumphing throughout the city. Trees are starting to bud with bright blossoms, and the newly planted daffodils in Central Park are standing defiantly against the winter winds.

I love this time of year. New York is glorious in all its seasons but I get a real charge out of the Spring.

Yesterday my guy and I walked through Central Park - a la Fred and Judy in The Easter Parade - and it was blissfully quiet (a rarity in Manhattan). When we headed home, we passed a hat shop that was stocked with fun frilly bonnets, and I just marveled at the charm of this incredible town.

My brother, who's a drummer in LA, always reminds me that we live in miracle cities, because anything can happen. Even today's Casting Corner article by Mark Sikes echoes that sentiment:

"Once a week, once a month or just whenever you need the reminder, tell yourself that you're here. Just that. You're here. You made it. No, it's not always a perfect town, but you are here and that's more than a lot of other folks can say. You're following your dreams and that alone is truly invigorating. "

1 comment:

Tina Sams said...

Wow Chica, you're having such a ball! I can feel it. Keep talking :-).
Speaking of blooming, those daffodils have nothing on you, Sunflower woman!